Friday, February 18, 2011

Lumrah la...

ok, sudah merasa kepanasan dan bahang as a student.. in degree plak kan.. haiyoooo people.. kusut masai aku jadinya.. pkai tudung pon dh x btol.. mcm makcik2 dah.. today i got my account's quiz.. final account (is and bs).. haha.. thank got im not in the list that have to prepare a speech cause unable to perform well..ALHAMDULILLAH :D

okeyh2, let see.. ape kah aktiviti2 yg dh tersedia utk kami2 minggu ni:

1. kuiz account ( jumaat/pg )
2. rplcement law (jumaat/ptg )
3. ceramah 1 (jumaat/ mlm )
4. ceramah 2 (sabtu / pg )
5. LDK ( sbtu/ tgh hr mmbwak ke ptg )
6. Koko (dgr cite mcm xde)
7. Test Mandarin (isnin/ pg)
8. Test Mnagement ( hari taktaw tp along nexwik)
9. Test Information system ( hari taktaw, tp lebeh kurg mcm mngment gk la)
10. Test Law ( early Mac )

wow! nikmatnya.... *muka ketat

memang kitorg ni freeeeeeee je.. dah xde keje sgt smpai kne penuhkan hjung minggu dgn aktiviti berfaedah ni ha.. haha...
doakan la aku x selamt menempuhi medan peperangan ni... AMIN~~

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Senyum Sorang-sorang!!

org lain dh lme katam, aku baru nk katam.. kesah plak aku??!!
tp seyes la... tgok cite ni, mmg layan~~

dari senyum sorang2, gelak sorang2.. then nangis plak sorg2...
roomates yg tgok pon dh pelik...

nak sepit ni!! nak nak nak!!

kalau org lain minat at hero, tae kyung (hyung-nim), sye plak minat dye... so sweet.... so charming!! hahahhaa

p/s: do watch this drama.. no regret!!
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Simple Thing Do Makes Different!!

see the different?? with and without make up??
For girls out there!! here some info!!
--->> simple question, how long do u take to put ur make up on??
15mins?? 20?? half an hour??
sometimes, we didnt have to put all of it on our face.. sometimes, simple touch up can makes changes on our faces..

EYELINER!! jyeah!! save-cost, save-time.. if u dont have enough time to put ur make up on, just wear an eyeliner, so that ur eyes look energetic... at least, wear eyeliner to avoid ur eyes look very tired-looked.

this is a liquid eyeliner...

this one, pencil eyeliner....

1) The Smoky Eye

Ahhh, the smoky eye. Perhaps there is no longer-running eye makeup trend than the smoky eye, which is in no danger of going out of style. The key here is to blend well. Also, make sure to keep all other makeup light or you risk looking like a clown. You don't want the rest of your makeup to compete with your eyes.
Step 1: Holding the skin of your upper lid taut, apply eyeliner from the inside corner of the eye outward. Draw strokes into the lash line. The middle of the line should be a bit thicker than the edges.

Step 2: Use a cotton swap (or your finger, if you're lazy like me) to "smudge" the liner.

Step 3: Dab an eyeshadow brush into a deep-hued eyeshadow and apply over the eyeliner to set the line. (Blow on the brush first to remove any excess shadow). Layering liner with a shadow is the secret to a perfect smoky eye.

Step 4: Blend shadow well, then follow with eyeshadow. According to the March 2006 issue of InStyle Magazine, with a smoky eye, "color should diffuse from rich and dark near the lashes to almost sheer as it extends to the crease."

here it is!!

i do love this smoky eyes style.. but i can do it, because people will say im over.. haha.. LOL
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Kan besh kalau . . .. .

dapat one of this controller.. syok nya!! main game puas2... haha..

This Marvel Versus Fighting Pad looks more like a Super Nintendo controller than it does a modern gaming peripheral but that’s sort of the point. While the gaming controller has evolved to fit first person shooter style games over the years, folks who prefer fighting games have been left behind. This gamepad brings it all back into perspective and features redesigned button placement, micro switches on the (single) thumbstick, and some radically over-the-top Marvel graphics.

The six front buttons give you all the character control you need (and would expect from an upright gaming console at an arcade). Not only does this make quick combos a heck of a lot easier, it allows for more ergonomic cradling of the pad in your right hand, as apposed to the familiar pistol grip-like handle of a Playstation or Xbox controller.

WOW!! i want it!!

terasa mcm nk bertukar laptop.. haha.. BERTUKAR!! hikhik.. manyak la duit kan.. nk mkn pon x ckup.. tp mcm besh je lappy ni kan.. here some info:
Dell’s new Latitude XT3 convertible may be just what the doctor ordered. The massive 13 inch screen actually rotates and folds back on itself converting this fairly powerful laptop into a tablet that outspecs most of its competition.

The dual core Sandy Bridge processor runs on a 2.5GHz Core i5-2420M CPU which makes battery life a bit of an issue but gives you the full-featured performance that most tablets can’t. There’s only 2GB of RAM under the hood though, which somewhat limits just how hard you can make this thing work.

The screen has undergone a bit of an upgrade since this model was announced. The touchscreen can recognize input from up to three fingers simultaneously but Dell was nice enough to include a stylus for those who like to be a bit more precise.

The magnesium frame makes this a bit of a beast. It’s light but exceptionally strong, making it an excellent portable work station for all but the most rigorous outdoor environments. And that bright little screen won’t get washed out in the harsh sunlight either.

There’s no official release date yet but promotional models are already circulating, so you know it won’t be long. I’d expect a pretty hefty price tag on the XT3 convertible, given all that it can do and the power it packs underneath the hood.

it enough for two gadgets, i cannot effort more.. haha..LOL
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


hanya gmbar semata k.. sbg contoh..

semalam (16feb), psar mlm lg!! haha.. fun ckt g sbb before this kiotrg pegi dgn kepenatan sbb ade koko.. but yesterday we all go with smile!!

nk taw kitorg borong ape??

ini dia !!

cikit?? bnyak ni.. beli mngikut nafsu...

yg ni bkn aku nya.. roomate punya okeyh...
ade lg....

mee kari... haha..

g pasar mlm dgn lady_k and kontot... ain xmo g dgn kitorg, nk g dating dgn classmate dye.. haha.. tp bertembung gk kat sne...
aku la pling jimat skali..

ni list aku beli:
1. tau fu fah - rm1
2. sweets - rm1
3. air bndung - rm1
4. air soya - 50sen (share dgn kontot)

so, aku hnya belanje rm3.50

ini la pling best.. dulu aku tak mkn bnda ni.. sejak duk merbok, ade la sorg mmber ni introduce.. HAZWANI AUFA.. trus suka.. so, bile mkn mesti teringat kat dye.. dh lost contct.. sobsob~~

rse nk mkn lg la... anyone?? treat me tau fuh fah please!! haha...

xpe2, next week beli lg!
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Wǒ lái wǎn le! (i'm late!)

Dari Merbok ke Seri Iskandar... Dari Asasi membawak ke Degree, Eny x pnah nk berubah... haha.. nk wat cmne.. if aku dtg lmbt, bukan aku lah namanya kan?? lgpun, pe barang datang awal nih?? x femes ahh... LOL

tdor lmbt punya psl, bgun pkul 7.45am for 8a.m class.. spe soh tdor kul 3.30am kan??
walaweyhhhh! aku tdor 4jam 15min je?? fuiyooooo!

thank God kelas information system.. lecturer yg best lg baik hati.. so, aku pon lmbt 15min.. hehe.. dah la dtg lmbt, yg kua kelas dulu pon aku.. kelas hbes kul 9.30.. best kan?? mse dlm kelas dye, sumpah la nantok tahap gaban.. rse mcm keyboard depan aku tuh mcm bantal.. haha..

ape tah yg dye lecture dah mcm bed time story.. hehehehe

sampai bilik around 10am.. lepas je tukar baju, baring2 atas katil, maka ...

syok btol rsenya.. attend class eco and management dgn penuh fokus sbb dh ckup tdor.. aku qadaq balek 2 jam.. haha.. mmg dpt fokus, dpt phm ape yg lecturer ajar.. this is not the first time i feel that feeling but sgt susah untuk rse, sekali sekala jer.. hihi..

1. jgn gedik tdor lmbt if kelas kul 8, klau agk2 dh lmbt sgt, stay up je.. LOL
2. niat dlm hati tu penting!
3. pastikan lecturer sporting klau nk ponteng @ dtg lmbt.

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Salam Maulidul Rasul !

Selamat Menyambut Maulidul Rasul 2011 to all muslims!!!

so, dapat la cuti hari ni kan.. ape lg, mcm x biasa dgn org bernama Eny, of course, aku guna sebaik-baiknya cuti ni.. mlm td tdo agk lmbat sbb kitorg tgk midnite movie!! haha.. syokk uh, rse closed sgt dgn roomates!! kami tgok HANTU MAK LIMAH BALEK RUMAH.. sumpah la gelak guling2... tp, aku tetap tkot.. aku mmg xleh tgok yg rmbut2 panjang2 ni..

disebabkan tu la, aku x g toilet... bru td aku g toilet, lepaskan hajat.. haha

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cite di Mesin Basuh !

ni la al-kisah mesin basuh yg paling kalut aku penah jumpa..da la berbayar, 2 hengget skali basuh.. sakit aku wei.. purse aku leh kurus... haha.. seb bek x selalu guna, JARANG-JARANG!!

suara asing, "cer citer, cer citer"... tibe23....

sabar2, nk cite la ni ha....
cmni, aku dgn roomate aku ni nk mmbasuh la kirenya kan, so gbung la 3 org punya dirty clothes.. nk bsuh dr hr jumaat, tak terbasuh2... membawak kpd mlm sbtu... actually, time kitorg basuh dah ahd dh pon....
kitorg ni, bilik at tingkat 4... mesin basuh at bwah skali, GF... so, klau nk bsuh gune mesin, ktorg pk byk kali... sebb kne turun gunung, daki gunung.. haha...
disebabkan bju dh byak, nak taknak, kne guna mesin, mau tercabut tgn kitorg nanti...

Dh smpai kat mesin tu, rupanya2 ade org guna... kene tunggu 17mins gak la..
mesin nya ade 3, 2 je leh guna.. yg lg satu, ade air bertakung.. ish2hhhh23....

17mins mcm 17 hari taw doq?? then, pas settle, kitorg masuk bju kitorg, sbun, DOWNY PASSION ( promote gtuh )... masuk la syiling nya...


sempat msuk 90cent je... lg 1.10 x diterima sbb dh penuh... aiyoooook!!
hahahahahaha... kitorg pon melakukan aksi vandalisme... xde la smpai 18pl or 18pg...
brkat vandalisme, mesin tu boleh terima 50cent je... dr xterima lgsung kn...
msalahnya, kitorg xde 50sen... miskin sgt... yg ade 50 hengget je.. haha..
so, roomate aku ni pon, pergi la naik bilik, kot ade 5kupang tuh... pon xde.. so ketuk bilik sebelh dan seblah.. seb bek ade....
kitorg duk at kayangan, skali dh naik, mmg mls nk trun, so roomate aku ni pon, cmpak la purse aku.... yeahhhh akhirnya... berjaya jugak mmbasuh!!

mase diambil utk membsuh = 24 mins... around 2am, our laundry should have finished, but kitorg tertidor, so amek keesokan harinya... tengah hari plak tuh.. huwahuwahuwa.. haiyooo people... nk taw sbb pe leh tertido?? sbb main benda alah ni.. ape nme binatang ni aku pon taktaw weiiii...

CANTEK kan?? well, tgok la spe wat.. haha....
lepas main bnda ni la kmi tertidor.... sorry.. haha

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

죄송합니다인스턴트 메신저

for everything that i've done.. that maybe makes your heart hurt.. im sorry..
eh, ape cite tbe2 nk mintak maaf ni kan?? haha.. tbe2 nk gedik2 jap.. terasa macam nk memaafkan org, tp xde sape pon nk mntak maaf, so aku pon mintak maaf jelah at sape2.. UMUM-UMUM... hahaha..

pernah terpikir tak?? klau sume bnda boleh diselesaikan dgn "im sorry", "dui pu chi" etc, senang je hdup kan?? x pyh ade law, x pyg ade cops... so, if we made a mistake or wrongful act, we just we're sorry for that.. can u imagine what gonna happen to the world??

especially when the face who makes the apologize look like this?? ohhhhh, how cute!!

thats my opinion, hbu??

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Class Oh Class !

what a day!! last night i slept at 3am, i try to wake at 7 but i can't.. huwaaa~~~
anyway, thanks to my bestie, Akmal Fahmi Zulkifli for called me at 6.18 am to wake me up for Subuh.. unfortunately, i didnt wake for the pray.. im really sleepy yaw..
so, pendek cite kan, i've skip my mandarin class today!! hahahaha...

Dui pu chi, lao shi!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Sunday, February 13, 2011


oh yeah!! McDonald!! i lurveeeeeee mcDonald like crazy!! hmmm, since i get back from the break, i didnt get the chance of seeing the logo "M".. huwaaa~ its really far away, its in IPOH.. and me ?? at Seri Iskandar.. well, well, well, what can i do..

Back to business people!
well, actually, my fren just received his salary!! jyeah! so, he treated me!! and my fren and my fren.. siannn dye!! x psal2 kne kua smpai rm50.. sorry babe!!
sape yg belanje?? ha, itu yg kte x taw!! hahahahahahaha... credit sgt23 la kat mmberku yg murah rezeki lg baik ht tu.. len kali belanja A&W plak keyh??!!

ini la muka salah seorang yg dibelnja!! tgok tuh!! senyum sokmo jeppp!!
tp, aku la muka paw kaw23.. klau boleh, sume dlm menu tuh nk order, CANNOT!! satgi pokai!!!

see!! alang2 ade kat mcD, kte online la skali!! hahahahaha... tp sila tngok sape yg guna laptop saye.. haiyoooo~~mcm2 aktiviti kitorg wat mlm tuh..
1. pecahkan air batu,
2. next, sesi TEKA-TEKI!!

salah satu teka teki yg diberi:

1. dlm byk2 binatang, binatang ape yg sebijik mcm GAJAH?? mmg sejibik la mcm GAJAH?? haaaa, teka2, sila teka...

2. dlm byk2 anggota badan kita kan, yg luaran shaja okeyh, bhagian mne yg kita sentuh kurang dr 5 kali, seumur hdup kita?? bahagian mne?? teka....

3. ape benda, ada kat ayam takde kat itik, satu kat mak dua kat ayah, ade kat kerbau takde kat lembu

jd, sila main teka2..

eh, terlupa.. ni dia muka kawan saye yg baik lg ade hati tuh...

tara! Sheqal (not the real name), amacam?? encem x?? opsss! sorry, dh berpunya, borang dh hbes.. hrp maaf keyh.. bkn aku punya, org lain punya.. dye ni kwn baik a.k.a ckgu mandarin aku.. asal nk trnslate je aku tny dye.. tp skrg sudah ada GOOGLE TRANSLATE!! hahahaha.. kesian ckgu dilupakan..

had ni plak, best friend aku.. tompang sekaki rezeki mlm tuh:

nama dye zarif.. pon dah berpunya gak.. hrap maklum..

anyway, guys and gal, tenkiu for that night!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

It's all about us! nope! im talkin, it's all about ART!!

we start with the star!
can u believe this?? i made this by myself! jyeah!! unbelievable?? please... believe it..
i made it for my bestfriend.. it just, i love star, so i want the person who i love especially my frens have one of it..
late in school, im a science student, but art.. is my passion.. people know it just in flash they know me..

this one?? it is the name list of PL3E, pre-law uitm kedah.. OMG, i miss them all..
when was the last time we're family?? cant remember it anymore lorh.. sobsob~~
ok, enough with the tears... next!!

i love you !! at the time i made this, i really bored at home, with nothing to do!!

then, this one, i made it for my classmate... for those who get it, please keep it safely bcoz its limited edition, can't be get somewhere else!

there's lot more.. but im not making any business with it.. its just that, i like to give...

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati


hello, im not a book writer ok..
its just, 2011, i've start a new life with new person, with new love .... ehhhh, terlajak plak.. salah ! salah ! xde kene mngena pon.. haiyooo...

skrg dh up one level more! in degree!! is that for real?? at my age?? doing my dgree?? wow.. (pndai gak sye ni)

x sia-sia mak suh g skolah.. haha..
after finished pre-law, cntinue in dgree marketing.. knpe biznes?? sbb i'm not interested in law at all.. start from the beginning yaw!
based on IQ test yg byk2 sye amek pon, i used my right brain more than the left one..
nk taw , lebih lnjut?? sila tnya Mr. Google and Mr. Yahoo..

eh, ape ni, dh melalut plak..
hdup at Perak ni, everyday must wear kurung, like this :

hoho, lecehnya... x mcm at merbok dulu.. sukati la nk pkai pe, as long ikut sahsiah rupa diri.. like this one:

opsss! gmbr ni diambil dgn sandal yg dif.. because at this time, i change the right one with my frens.. sje nk wat keje giler dh akhir2 sem..
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati


this is the look of the ABC!! but this one is TAPAU!! package with the plastic bag!

this one is mine!! yummy!! can get it somewhere in Shah Alam.. Section 2 !! hurry up go!!

okeyh23, to make it simple, me + zati (ank angkat mama) + mama + aunty went to Puspakom, somewhere in Padang Jawa, then to JPJ.. bfore we sent home aunty to KJ, we stop at this abc port..long time no eat that ABC doh!! forget to mention the price.. its only RM3.00!! what???!! mahal?? WAKLUUU!! its considered as cheap! because u'll never regret okeyh! trust me!

see, look at me!! how i really feel the feeling of eating the ABC!! delicious!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati


The Stars in the Sky

Adapted from Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, Kate Douglas
Wiggin, and Nora Archibald Smith

Once upon a time there was a little lass who wanted nothing more than to touch the stars in the sky. On clear, moonless nights she would lean out her bedroom window, gazing up at the thousand tiny lights scattered across the heavens, wondering what it would be like to hold one in her hand.

One warm summer evening, a night when the Milky Way shined more brightly than ever before, she decided she couldn't stand it any longer-she just had to touch a star or two, no matter what. So she slipped out the window and started off by herself to see if she could reach them.

She walked a far, far way, and then farther still, until she came to a mill wheel, creaking and grinding away.

"Good evening," she said to the mill wheel. "I would like to play with the stars in the sky. Have you seen any near here?"

"Ah, yes," groaned the old mill wheel. "Every night they shine in my face from the surface of this pond until I cannot sleep. Jump in, my lass, and you will find them."

The little girl jumped into the pond and swam around until her arms were so tired she could swim no longer, but she could not find any stars.

"Excuse me," she called to the old mill wheel, "but I don't believe there are any stars here after all!"

"Well, there certainly were before you jumped in and stirred the water up," the mill wheel called back. So she climbed out and dried herself off as best she could, and set out again across the fields.

After a while she came to a little brook, murmuring over its mossy stones.

"Good evening, brooklet," she said politely. "I'm trying to reach the stars in the sky so I may play with them. Have you seen any near here?"

"Ah, yes," whispered the brooklet. "They glint on my banks at night until I cannot sleep. Wade in, my lassie, and you will find them."

So the little girl waded in and paddled around for a while, and climbed all over the mossy rocks, but never once did she find a star.

"Excuse me," she said as politely as she could, "but I just don't think there are any stars here."

"What do you mean, no stars here?" the little brook babbled. "There are lots of stars here. I see them all the time. On some nights, they cover me from the edge of the woods all the way down to the old mill pond. I have more stars here than I know what to do with." And the brooklet babbled on and on until it even forgot the little girl was there, so she tiptoed away across the fields.

After a while she sat down to rest in a meadow, and it must have been a fairy meadow, because before she knew it a hundred little fairies came scampering out to dance on the grass. They were no taller than toadstools, but they were dressed in silver and gold.

"Good evening, Little Folk," said the girl. "I'm trying to reach the stars in the sky. Have you seen any near here?"

"Ah, yes," sang the fairies. "They glisten every night among the blades of the grass. Come and dance with us, little lass, and you will find as many stars as you like."

So the child danced and danced, she whirled round and round in a ring with the Little Folk, but though the grass gleamed beneath her feet, she never spied a single star. Finally she could dance no longer, and she plopped down inside the ring of fairies.

"I've tried and I've tried, but I can't seem to reach the stars down here," she cried. "If you don't help me, I'll never find any to play with."

The fairies all whispered together. Finally one of them crept up and took her by the hand, and said: "If you're really determined, you must go forward. Keep going forward, and mind you take the right road. Ask Four Feet to carry you to No Feet At All, and then tell No Feet At All to carry you to the Stairs Without Steps, and if you climb that..."

"Then I'll be among the stars in the sky?" cried the lassie.

"If you'll not be there, then you'll be somewhere else, won't you?" laughed the fairy, and he vanished with all the rest.

So the little girl set out again with a light heart, and by and by she came to a saddled horse, tied to a tree.

"Good evening," she said. "I'm trying to reach the stars in the sky, and I've come so far my bones are aching. Will you give me a ride?"

"I don't know anything about stars in the sky," the horse replied. "I'm here only to do the bidding of the Little Folk."

"But I come from the Little Folk," she cried, "and they said to tell Four Feet to carry me to No Feet At All."

"Four Feet? That's me!" the horse whinnied. "Jump up and ride with me."

They rode and they rode and they rode, till they rode out of the forest and found themselves at the edge of the sea.

"I've brought you to the end of the land, and that's as much as Four Feet can do," said the horse. "Now I must get home to my own folk."

So the little girl slid down and walked along the sea, wondering what in the world she would do next, until suddenly the biggest fish she'd ever seen came swimming up to her feet.

"Good evening," she said to the fish. "I'm trying to reach the stars in the sky. Can you help me?"

"I'm afraid I can't," gurgled the fish, unless, of course, you bring pie word from the Little Folk."

"But I do," she cried. "They said Four Feet would bring me to

No Feet At All, and then No Feet At All would carry me to the Stairs Without Steps."

"Ah, well," said the fish, "that's all right then. Get on my back and hold on tight."

And off he went-kerplash!-into the water, swimming along a silver path that glistened on the surface and seemed to stretch toward the end of the sea, where the water met the sky. There, in the distance, the little girl saw a beautiful rainbow rising out of the ocean and into the heavens, shining with all the colors in the world, blues and reds and greens, and wonderful to look at. The nearer they drew, the brighter it gleamed, until she had to shade her eyes from its light.

At last they came to the foot of it, and she saw the rainbow was really a broad bright road, sloping up and away into the sky, and at the far, far end of it she could see wee shining things dancing about.

"I can go no further," said the fish. "Here are the Stairs Without Steps. Climb up, if you can, but hold on tight. These stairs were never meant for little lassies' feet, you know. " So the little girl jumped off No Feet's back, and off he splashed through the water.

She climbed and she climbed and she climbed up the rainbow. It wasn't easy. Every time she took one step, she seemed to slide back two. And even though she climbed until the sea was far below, the stars in the sky looked farther away than ever.

"But I won't give up, " she told herself "I've come so far, I can't go back."

Up and up she went. The air grew colder and colder, but the sky turned brighter and brighter, and finally she could tell she was nearing the stars.

"I'm almost there!" she cried.

And sure enough, suddenly she reached the very tip-top of the rainbow. Everywhere she looked, the stars were turning and dancing. They raced up and down, and back and forth, and spun in a thousand colors around her.

"I'm finally here, " she whispered to herself She had never seen anything so beautiful before, and she stood gazing and wondering at the heavens.

But after a while she realized she was shivering with cold, and when she looked down into the darkness, she could no longer see the earth. She wondered where her own home was, so far away, but no street lamps or window lights marked the blackness below. She began to feel a little dizzy.

"I won't go until I touch one star." she told herself, and she stood on her toes and stretched her arms as high as she could. She reached further and further-and suddenly a shooting star zipped by and surprised her so much she lost her balance.

Down she slid, down-down-down the rainbow. The further she slid, the warmer it grew, and the warmer it grew, the sleepier she felt. She gave a great yawn, and a small sigh, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

When she woke up, she found herself in her very own bed. The sun was peeking through her window, and the morning birds sang in the bushes and trees.

"Did I really touch the stars?" she asked herself "Or was it only a dream?"

Then she felt something in her hand. When she opened her fist, a tiny light flashed in her palm, and at once was gone, and she smiled because she knew it was a speck of stardust.

p/s: i really love star.. i feel very happy when i see it.. i felt that it bright my day!!
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati