Asslamualaikum and hi !!
ever heard of The Sparkle Project ?
aku pon baru je taw lepas bce post blog Maria Elena and Hanis Zalikha..
aku pun bukak la, wow! interesting.. so aku godah2 la ape yg ptot aku buat kn..
satu per satu aku korek..
memang btol pun ade lagu, ley nyanyi sme2 cuz ade lyric..
ok done with that part, aku msuk The Idea Cloud..
ade byak theme korg ley join..
aku pun, cube try test tengok..
so first try was The Spark of Love~~
wow, surprisingly, my entry was there too !!
see?! haha.. yeah, thats my sparkle of love :)
so ape tunggu lg? visit la web tu.. dok punggah2 pon okeyh gk..