Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Me!


buwahaha.. kan aku da kata, eventhou aku xde smartphone or digicam, aku ttap akn brusaha.. cmera laptop still ade kan?! (asal bole la eny oii)

Semangat baru, da penat jatuh, now time to wake up!! 

Lots to catch up! Go Eny! Go Eny!

External di zip! No movies!! No games!!

When i said BREAK TIME!! (wehuuuu ^_^)

And, trillions thanks to my loved classmate, Nisak and Fizah who always support me and being there when i most needed.. They are precious to me.. Like a diamond..

p/s: I'M BACK!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Just a thought

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Smiles!! Melting!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati



Xde gadjet x menghalang aku nk update blog!! (semangat)

Hari ni, aku x sehat.. Actually aku sehat je, ok je, cume dalaman aku yg x sehat.. (do u get it?) Bgun pagi2, aku da vomit2 dlm blik air, plus priod pain aku still x hilang2 lagi.. So, decided to go to UK (wehuuuuuu!) 
(i wish it stand for United Kingdom but apparently, NOT! its stand for UNIT KESIHATAN).. So, bole tahan ramai la ade at uk (musim sakit agaknya).. after letak kad matrik, check temperature, check blood pressure, aq kene panggil utk blood test.. Ok fine, da la aku takot jarum, but i think im over it.. (ever since aku disyaki demam denggi dlu, asyik kne amek drh je)

*waiting* *waiting* *waiting*

112! (displayed) <------ myturn letew..

Pun masuk la jmpe doc:

Doc: Still sakit lg?
Yup! : Me

Doc: Sakit at mna?? Ulu hati ke tempat lain?

Huh? (blurr kejap).. Sya senggugut la doc.. : Me

Doc: Ouh, senggugut.. Tadi ade amek darah kan?

Aah, senggugut.. Aah amek darah td.. : Me

Doc: (g tgok result darah la kot) Xpe, utk sengugut
         tu, sy bg ubat thn sakit and saya bg ubat gstrik skali.
         make sure awak mkn after u tke ur meals ok? (senyum)

Ok..Doc, kalau priod muntah2 tu normal ke? : Me

Doc: (muka cuak) awk muntah? byk kali ke?

X la, 2x baru pg td.. : Me

Doc: Ouh, tu biasa.. Sya tgk sample darah awak..
        Awk ade mslh ppe ke sblum ni??

Xde : Me

Doc: There's infection in ur blood and awak kurg drh merah.
         awk tdo ckup x? pemakanan jaga x? rehat?

(wo wo wo, satu2 la kot iye pun) : Me
dlu pun pnh jadi jugak, mse sy disyaki denggi........

Doc: Klau cmtu, sy bg awk rest, pegi amek ubat..
        (nurse dtg bw jrum)..

(cuak! cuak! main jarum2 plak dah) : Me

Doc: Sy nk inject.. Kalau x ok, esok dtg lg.. 
(redha) : Me

*walking to the class* 

And these! Are my medicine.. Ade lagi tapi kang tunjuk, korg terkejut plak.. takpe, bia aku je terkejut..

Bapak besar gedabak ubat dia bg.. Kalau H mesti xleh.. lgpun dia tak mkn ubt..

Nk mkn satu pun x snggup !! >_<"

p/s: Mencegah lebih elok dari mengubati! Ingat tuh!!

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



Pernah x korg rasa sume bnda jd at korg pd mse yg sme??

Yup, me, all things happens at one time.. Lepas satu, satu, x berhenti.. And "Allah mmberi ujian pada hambaNya krana Dia tahu hambaNya mampu utk hadapi".. Tapi npe aku rasa ni ujian yg besar amat sangat??! and at the point i need support, no one left.. And im guessing, dgn halau sume org dr hdup aku, aku takkan susahkan spe2 lg.. and that what i do, aku halau stiap org yg hdir dlm, hdup aku.. dgn brsme aku, aku akn buat dorg dlm keadaan susah.. and when im gone, everyone will happy... i've failed to become a person, i've failed to become a good daughter, i've failed to become a good sister, i've failed to become a good fren, i've failed to become a good team mate, i've failed to become anythng... 

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

To You From Me

Ily and imy so much my dear H...

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati



Hey, aku tataw la aku buntu lately..
and since aku da kehilangan gadget, agk sukar utk update blog..
tunggu ade digicam la kot, bru aku rjin nk update or, tunggu H beli phone, bru la aku ley tompang sekaki.. 

H bukan kaki wayang, tp aku da buat dye kene tgok wyg sbb AKU! haha
so far, ni la movie yg we both watched together

# Sinister  # Silent Hill (3D)  # Skyfall  # Istanbul Aku Datang  # Pitch Perfect  # The Rise of Guardians

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Congrates!! Tahniah!!


Hai hai semua, we meet again and again  lately, well,obviously sbb akutgh mood rajin nk menaip..
Post kali ni, pasal wedding kawan aku sorg ni.. Lama jugak la kitorang kawan, ever since sekolah rendah..

whoahhhh! Dah kahwen da fidah kerengga ni... sbb aku panggil kerengga, badan mcm kerengga, mcm papan pun ade... (alamak, sorry fyda, termengumpat ko plak at sni)

So, lock the hand and finger and lets
roll the pictures!!

ini la dye rupa hantarannya... dari pihak laki to pihak prempuan

ni plak dari pihak prempuan to pihak laki
(aku bajet mcm pegi je majlis akad nikah ni, padahal main random guess from lookin to the items)

Ni mak Fyda :)

Saat yang dinanti-nanti... (apesal aku plk yg nevess ni =.=)

"Aku nikahkan dikau . . . . . . . . . "

"Sah? Sah? . . .  . .. . "
Alhamdulillah, now proceed batal air sembahyang :)

baguih isteri ni...

aku pun x sure ape bnda tu,,hahaha
with her best friends (shuhada & Yus)

ofcoz la, mak mertua vs mak masing2 kan :D

Berseri-seri muka pengantin ni haaaa....
till JANNAH, in shaa Allah... amin

Dduk bersanding... (aku pun nak jugak)


happy memories :)

pengantin pun da panas, pengapit lari, so kene kipas sendiri...

Malas nk cite byk2 (sbb aku x attend, cmne nk cite kn)

And sebenarnya gambar2 ni not belong to me, belong to Yuslinda Yusof,aku copy sbb aku nk buat post ni... credit to Yus for ths lovely pictures... aku x mmpu nk copy smpai 125 pictures, amek several je ....

apepun, to Fyda and husband, selamat pengantin baru!! 
semoga berkekalan hingga Jannah (in shaa ALLAH)

aku minta maaf x dpt attend wedding ko, aku bz blaja.. sorry..
nnti, kenduri ckur jambul ank ko, aku cube datang!! Hahaha

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Early Morning

(nmpk x tnda sru tu? its mean im EXCITED)

ok, first of all, xde kene mngena dgn love story punya hal..
ok, aku kne admit, aku ni ade insomnia, pyh bebenau nk tdo mlm.. so keje aku mmg akan online.. but lately, aku ade hobi baru.. aku tgok movie online at u tube.. and guess what? lepas aku tgok je movie ni, trus aku buat post ni sbb aku rse movie ni bguih.. thou its DISNEY kinda thing but its OHSEM!

aku nk buat review (bjet pro ckit)
overall, cite dye best.. but most important the msgs in it..

# Dont afraid to take a risk and makes a change..
# Just be who you are 
# Let out and let others know what u think
# Be confident of yourself

As for me, cite ni bgus utk those yg low self-esteem and ade masalah shyness
 (which aku mmg jao skali dgn sifat shy2 ni) 

enjoy!!! ^ ^

and aku tepek trailer sikit :)

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Friday, November 23, 2012

In reply to yellowbettles!!


Tengah2 berblogwalkimg skali terbaca post yellowbeetles.blogspot.com..
Actually this is my BESTFREND's blog!!

Thnks to her sbb wish bday aku.. Wow, siap ade 1 post khas utk aku!!

jemput la bce post dye.. and jgn lupe follow dia..

So, aku pun buat la post ni utk reply post dye tuh... 
being frend since 2009 - till now (whoahhh! almost 4 years!)

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

22 November 2012


hey guys and girls... how ur doin'???? (knpe plk aku speaking..) ok, semalam bday aku yg ke-21, thnks for those yg ingat and sudi wish.. ok, since aku xde gambar utk di publish kn sbb aku da xde gjet, so i hope i cn be best story teller to u guys..

citenya bermula... (ok, xpyh nk drama sgt eny)...disebabkan aku lack of sleep, on 21st, aku pon tdo ptg (bkn hari2 aku tdo ptg ke?) then, txting with H till midniteeeee (actually txting x pnh missed) 

mmg aku pelik sbb kejap dpt kejap x.. dlm hati berkata "line kat kelantan ade problem ke?"

H: Syg da mamam? atne tu?
At uma la.. x mam lg.. msak meggie je kot..*sad smiley* : Me

****msg pending****

(dialing his number...) ---------> "the number u hve dialed is not reacheable, pls try again later" (=_=)

Syg at mne? Tgh buat ape?? Knape x dpt cll?? : Me

H: Sy at lua, tgok lampu2 jln, dorg study at dalam uma..

****almost reach 12am****

tibe2 housemate aku dtg join tgok hindustan.. dan tara!! Carry Junior Grape pembuka tirai bday aku.. Thnks Akien for the polite bday suprise... sygggggg Akien.... and sbnrnya bfore tu aku dpt msg dr H;

Sy sedih la.. : Me
H: Syg sedih?? Kua la, tgok bintang2 at lua.. *mengharap*
Mls nk kua, at lua tu bahaya.. : Me

Sambil tu, aku da jerit2 at akien sbb lumurkan aku dgn bedak... mcm baby da.. and suddenly aku dgr bunyi kreta H.. is it he?? All way from Klntan?? OMG!! And da cnfrm DIA sbb Akien usha at tgkap.. *hati debar2 and feel so excited, airmata mengalir* And, aku pun kua, meeting him and chatting with him.. im so damn happy.. diri DIA hadiah pling bermakna on 221112.. and suddenly . . . . 

H: Sy xde ape nk bg at awak... Sy x nyesal dtg sni... Sy nk brsme dgn awk di hri istimewa syg..

Me: *melting* and x lepas pndgan..

H: Sy xde bnda nk bg, nah! *sambil hulur box scret recipe*...

Me: wehuuu, thnk U....

H: Nak *hulur another box*

Me: huhh? wowwww! 2 cakes and both my fav!! (choc indulgence & choc chip walnut)

****Mood: Bunga2 plus ballon2****

thnk you H :)
p/s: im melting for everytime i see ths picca ...

mmg la sblum tu aku ade tweet, i hope he's coming... tp aku main2 ja.. aiyooo, he's full of surprises!!
then i said to him . . .

Me: Awak, nextime, pasang la lilin along the road then awak tunggu smbil pgg box cakes.. kannn suwitttt!!

H: *bersabar* Ade2 je syg ni...

On top of that, i got tons of msgs smpai aku decide utk silent hp, thnks.. and sorry sbb x agkt cll or didnt rep ur msg.. will rep it soon!! (bajet artis gtuh)

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Thursday, November 15, 2012

YouMe #4


Hey, nak tnya ckit ni.. korg percaya ta pd kebetulan?? Atau miracle?? bukan magic tu, tapi keajaiban dan kekuasaan Ilahi?? Aku pun tertanya2 adkh ini perancanganNya?

When im exploring my external, i found so many pictures that spotted us.. so i edit some of them, crop and combine all together.. then i said to myself, 
"no wonder!"

why did i said so? sbb most people yg knl kitorg (me and him), bru jmpe skali, mesti igt kitorg cpl.. padahal tak pun =_="  now i got the answer.. its how closed us, that mkes people think that way..

im a fighter, i go after him..
i tell him bout myfeelings and alhamdulillah, he accept me and mylove.. (lantak la org nk kata aku ni tataw malu ke, like perigi cari timba ka, as long im happy)

and, alhamdulillah im Happy

somethings in common:

# tidur xleh tutup lampu, atleast kene ade lampu yg terbuka
# dont eat nasi sgt, more kpd western (lidah org putih)
# good in words (bole buat quotes gtuh)
# x berkira soal duit (bukan pemurah, tapi istilah lebih tepat is tak brpe nk kesah)

# H likes fresh milk...... and i DONT.. (xmmpu nk telan)
# H is kinda passive person....... me, ACTIVE terlebih (tgk wyg, jln2, lepak2, etc)
# H pendiam n pemalu (ni org yg kata)..... me, not at all, TALKATIVE n HAPPY GO LUCKY..

berapa banyak persamaan or perbezaan doesnt matter as long we know we love each other..
pray for our happiness, 
i love u sayang....insyaAllah till Jannah..

spotted by camera lens..
p/s: kalau org tnya sma ada sy plih awk atau kehidupan.. saya akan pilih kehidupan sbb awak kehidupan saya =)

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wish's List


Yes, aku mmg tataw malu...
sebenarnya aku xla mengharap org bagi as bday prezie.. its more to my personal wish list..
these benda2 yg mmg aku nak.. someday...
by my own effort of help by others, doesnt matter ;D

First . . . 
Dlu ade mp3, tp adik aku rosakkan.. so i wish to have this!!

Next on the list...

mini instax!! grrrrrr gerammmmm...

Proceed . . .

Want this so crazy!!

my all-time fav =)

yup, bold 5 =)
aku nak yg white!!! arghhhh

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Drama Hari Ini


hari ni, aku menangis sebab dye, aku ketawa jgk sbb dye... haha..
tadi, H hanta aku blek uma (perak), then he shoot to kelantan.. we both sleepy sbb xckup tdo..

at first, im fine.. tapi rinduu tu ade la.. then, aku msuk blik, aku bau dye.. rupanya baju dye ats katil aku (sobsob)
then aku txt dye:

 me: I alrdy miss u 
 sunyi.. tgok at sebelah (co-pilot seat) xde org : H   

 me: jgn la ckp cmtu.. (yla, aq da r sdih, msg dy buat aku lg sedih)  
 me: i love u.. plss dont go.  .
 awk nnk perpisahan sekejap atau selamanya? : H

 me: dua2 taknak.. smpai ht :(  
 kua uma jap : H

so, rupanya dye patah balik and meet me! *happy!!* tp da agk msti kne mrh :(

H : nape awk? awak ni knpe?
Me: xde pape , sedih.. 
H : awk tw x sy pnt? klau energy sy xde, hbes la sy..
H : kereta wt hal, awk plk cmni.. tlong la awk, fhm sy..
Me : *silent and crying*
H : Bole x awk fhm sy?? Tlong awk?
Me : Ok *kluar kreta*
H : *stopping me* Awk nnti dlu.. *dye gelak2* Kene intro dgn drama.. Drama plak jap..
H : Sy kol kwn sy, esok dgn kelas lg, awk x fhm ke? Kelas sy pkul 2 ptg, wtpe sy nk blek awl2. baik sy pth balek jumpa awk.. *gelak-gelak*
Me: awk ni... *senyum dan ketawa*
H : Sy nk g uma mkcik sy berehat.. nnti kte kua ea syang..

citenya... dye ade at perak lgi!!! i love him!!!!!!!! <3

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Sunday, November 11, 2012

LoveStory #1


ape la nk jd dgn aku ni.. tulis blog rajin, stdy malas, apetah lagi buat assgt... astaga...
so, well.. i got story but no pictures.. yla since aku da bg bb at adk aku, aku pkai hp mak aku je..

hopefully dapat kua note, early nextyear..

well well, semalam, H dtg anta mknn sbb dye ade knduri tunang cmtu la.. dlm kul 8 jgk la dye smpai uma.. then, after having dinner at home, aku siap2 semangat gile sbb nk tgk ISTANBUL AKU DATANG at TGV RAWANG... aku da usha online, ade tiket  kul 9.40.. skali TAKDE!!!

sumpah kecewa gile smpai aku melantak CHOC CHIP WALNUT secret rcipe and FROSTY CONE wendy's..

Ksian H, aku abaikan dye fr a moment... x hrgai pngorbanan dye, da la dye penat.. aiyooo...
and silent yg mngisi masa kitorg brsme... dy pon drive tah kmana and keep looking the watch.. aku da mls nk pk mvie, now aku nk brsme dgn dye, tu je...

maka, tbe2, dye msuk MIDVALLEY and ask me to stay in ca r fr a while..
dye nk g toilet... terpk jgk, mhal btol toilet dye.... and guesss wht???

H buy Istanbul Aku Datang ticket fr both of us... smentara tunggu timing seating, dye tdo dlu, ade dlm sejam jgk la gap.... and my tears flow sbb terharu, happy sgt...

Thanks sayang... he is an unexpected guy and full of suprises...

Tercapai jgk impian nk tgk mvie tu.. and ht bunga3 tgok.. i like the movie so much.. comeyl n funny..

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Back in Time #2

Terlalu rinduuuuuu moments nih....
 #Lata Tembakah #NewFriends #Konvoi #Bowling

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Photo #1

Cikitam yg ngade2... sejak bile tah ade share ats katil aku nih...

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Missing Uolls

p/s: pictures describes a thousand words...

i become crazee when im around with person i loves.......

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Saturday, November 10, 2012

YouMe#2 Spotted

again, the lens spot us...

p/s: there're things we didn't plan but it happen... 
we called it, UNPLANNED and UNEXPECTED

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati


Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

Back in Time


wow, its been a while since my last post.. due to lappy breakdown... sorry yer...
and aku still mencari mse utk mke up blog ni...

pernah x korg ter pk, ade sstgh perkara, dirancang.....

sbb aku rs, sume ni perancangan yg mmg lme da dirancang...
iaitu, satu pertemuan...

bermula dgn persahabatan ^_^

always be together, ignoring others people think bout what us really are..

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati