Saturday, July 30, 2011

cerita - coretan

hmmm, entry ni aku post without no reason.. myb sebab aku da bosan at umah kot.. da 3bulan kot aku kat umah.. bak kata mereka2, "kalau nk khwen pon sempat".. (gatal kemain)...

22 July 2011, genap kitorg 5bulan.. dlm tempoh tu jugak.. da 3kali aku kne cerai.. tp rjuk balek.. nanti da khwen tataw la cmne.. (khwen? aku ckp khwen ke?? tettt)
btol la kot, sume yg jd dugaan.. nk tgok, how strong our loves + iman !!

aq nk post gmba, tp xleh.. lupe nk transfer..
last week, on 23 July, aku g jmpe encik boyren at ipoh tuh..
rnduu punya pasal, nanti da pose, xleh nk jmpe da, gpon dye jao..
x wat pape.. jumpa, borak2, lepas rnduuuu..

the best part, he treat me with domino's!! yeay!! EXTRA LARGE beef pepperoni.. (perli aku ke ape??)

so far, i trust him... hmmmmmmmm

and, semalam 29 July, aku berjaya mengganti pose.. yeah!!!
tp hari ni kne pose, sbb if pose JUMAAT, kne pose hari sebelum atau selepasnya..
sebab, kalau puasa hari jumaat je, menyamai agama lain..
(terbaca at mne tah)

pose pon da dekat, hari isnin ni.. esok tgok ank bulan.. (konferm ISNIN)

so, selamat berpuasa to all Muslims!!

byakkan beramal, kurangkan perbuatan yg sia2..

facebooking and blogging perbuatan sia2 and membazir masa ke?? hmmmmm

haha.. k la, nanti aku post ag, kalau rajin..

ps: i got a date!
Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati

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