Friday, April 22, 2011

Ape ade hal??

ingatkan duduk at sini, takleh nk hdop da.... thank God, ade minah senget dua ni... Miss. Salimah and Miss. Apis, eh slah.. Miss. Nissa'.. hehe

ok, salah gmbar lg... hehe...
lets begin the story on the day...
(gmba at ats tu, time aku ditinggalkan sorg2 dlm bilik, Salimah jugak la yg teman aku)

so, cerita bermula bile, aku dgn Sal bosan.. so, we decided to go to IPOH !!
nk cari ape, aku pon taktaw motifnya.. haha~~

ini la watak-watak hari itu... comeyl kah?? memperkenalkan, Datin Nissa, (kat belakg tu, dgn muke gumbiranya) and Miss Salimah, my co-pilot on the day !!

yes! im the driver.. all day long... huhu... nk bwa auto x reti.. ye, SAYA TAK RETI BAWA AUTO.. hanya mnual yg mmpu.. so, belasah jelah...

this is Sal, the shopaholic.. seriously, to those who lovesss shopping may join her.. i mean us.. im NOT a shopaholic but love enjoying WINDOW SHOPPING. so, come and join us!!

this is Nissa.. bile senyum, mata pon hilang.. haha.. kitorg pickup dye skali bg memeriahkn majlis yg tak berapa nk majlis lah kan.. (she my classmate..hehe)

well, kitorg mmg planning nk main golf weekend tuh, tp mls la.. byk sgt appointment.. (cehhh, mcm org besow2 pulak dah)

a'ah, nk balek dah.. jumpa lgi la nok!!

pastu, x cukup2 melantak mcD, balek, singgah lg McD bt.Gajah.. hmmm, elok~~

Kalau SUKE, tekan la LIKE ye ^^ by: eRnyHaYati


  1. woahhhhhhhh :D
    nice post dear !

  2. learn from u?? ahaks.. not as good as urs... im still a beginner in this...


A thought??